
Five IETF Trustees are selected by the NomCom, the IESG, and the ISOC Board of Trustees. See RFC 8714 for more detailed information about how these appointments work.

Current Trustees

Kristin Berdan
Term: 2024-2026
Appointed By: IESG (2 year term)

Glenn Deen
Term: 2019, 2020-2023, 2023-2026
Position: Chair
Appointed By: NomCom (3 year term)

Victor Kuarsingh
Term: 2022-2024, 2024-2026
Appointed By: ISOC Board of Trustees (2 year term)

Kathleen Moriarty
Term:  2019- 2022, 2022-2025
Position: Treasurer
Appointed By: NomCom (3 year term)

Jon Peterson
Term: 2024-2027
Appointed By: NomCom (3 year term)


Past Trustees

July 2022 – March 2024

  • Glenn Deen
  • Joel Halpern
  • Victor Kuarsingh
  • Kathleen Moriarty
  • Stephan Wenger

March 2019 – July 2022

  • Glenn Deen
  • Joel Halpern
  • John Levine
  • Kathleen Moriarty
  • Stephan Wenger

March 2018 – March 2019

  • Louis Berger
  • Kathy Brown
  • Alissa Cooper
  • Glenn Deen
  • Ted Hardie
  • John Levine
  • Kaveh Ranjbar, Chair
  • Andrew Sullivan
  • Portia Wenze-Danley

March 2017 – March 2018

  • Louis Berger
  • Alissa Cooper
  • Kathy Brown
  • Leslie Daigle
  • Tobias Gondrom
  • Ted Hardie
  • John Levine
  • Ray Pelletier (retired October 31, 2017)
  • Kaveh Ranjbar, Chair
  • Portia Wenze-Danley (effective November 1, 2017)

April 2016 – March 2017

  • Jari Arkko
  • Louis Berger
  • Scott Bradner, tenure ended 19 June 2016
  • Kathy Brown
  • Leslie Daigle
  • Tobias Gondrom, Chair
  • John Levine, effective 20 June 2016
  • Ray Pelletier
  • Benson Schliesser
  • Andrew Sullivan

Trustees 2005 – 2015